Sunday, February 26, 2012

guess who got a haircut?

Hey guys! Sorry for leaving you in the dark for a few days, but since lent started my mom has been very anti-screens, so not much blogging action! But anyway, yesterday I got a haircut. I like it, but it's...... short. Not ridiculously short, but shorter than I'm used to. Here's the before picture:

goodbye luscious curly locks, hello.....

unattractive flash... blech

layers and bangs! This photo doesn't really show you my bangs very well, but they're there!
I usually get layers when I get a haircut, but I don't usually go this short. And I haven't seen it curly yet, because my hair-cutter person straitened it last night and I didn't need to wash it this morning (my hair is naturally very curly).

What do you think? What's your favorite way to get your haircut?



  1. Thanks! I'm liking it more and more, but I'm still interested to see how it looks curly :)


  2. Hi! I just stumbled upon your blog- it's great! please make sure to come on over and check mine out as well!

    Best Wishes from, Classic+Glam

  3. Love it. I have naturally curl hair too. You should take a photo of it curly and post it.
    I want to grow my hair out,but at the same time I want to cut it like the way you have it.


Hey there beauties! I would love to here your opinion on this post :) Thanks for taking the time to comment <3
